• Ownership and Operation: The Site is operated by Zigzet.com and all rights thereto are owned and reserved by Zigzet.com.

  • No Guarantees: The Site and the software available on this Site are provided to the User “as is” without guarantees or representations of any kind (express or implied) or any liability to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law. Except in cases of willful misconduct, Zigzet.com shall not be liable for any damages caused by or in connection with the use of the Site. In any case, Zigzet.com shall not be responsible for, and disclaims any liability for, any indirect, incidental, consequential, and special damages caused by or in connection with the use of this Site.

  • Information Accuracy: Any product information or other information published via the Site is given to the best of Zigzet.com’s knowledge. However, all this information shall not create any guarantee or representation of any kind or any liability of Zigzet.com and shall not relieve the User from undertaking its own investigations and tests, as far as legally permissible.

  • General Conditions of Sale: Except as otherwise specifically provided in writing, Zigzet.com’s General Conditions of Sale shall not be altered by the Site, its content, materials, and information. Without liability whatsoever, Zigzet.com may modify and/or discontinue operation of all or portions of this Site at any time without notice and assumes no responsibility to update the Site.

  • Third-Party Links: Links to third-party sites (“Hyperlinks”) do not constitute an endorsement of such third-party sites by Zigzet.com, and Zigzet.com is not responsible for the availability of these sites or their contents. The hyperlinking to these sites is at the User’s own risk.

  • Legal Jurisdiction: Any claims or suits associated with the Site or its use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the UAE.

  • Pricing Information: While Zigzet.com shall endeavor to provide accurate product and pricing information, typographical errors might occur. Zigzet.com cannot confirm the price of a product until after you order. In the event that a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to an error in pricing or product information, Zigzet.com shall have the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any orders placed for that product, unless the product has already been dispatched. In the event that an item is mispriced, Zigzet.com may, at its discretion, either contact you for instructions or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation. Unless the product ordered by you has been dispatched, your offer will not be deemed accepted and Zigzet.com will have the right to modify the price of the product and contact you for further instructions using the email address provided by you during registration, or cancel the order and notify you of such cancellation. In the event that Zigzet.com accepts your order, the same shall be debited to your credit card account and duly notified to you by email that the payment has been processed. The payment may be processed prior to Zigzet.com’s dispatch of the product that you have ordered. If we have to cancel the order after we have processed the payment, the said amount will be reversed back to your credit card account.

  • Modification of Terms: Zigzet.com reserves the right to discontinue or modify the Terms of Use and/or our Privacy Policy as we deem necessary or desirable without prior notification. Such changes may include, among other things, the addition of certain fees and charges. Any such modifications would be effective immediately. We suggest that you read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy from time to time to stay informed. Any use of the Site after such modifications will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the modified terms by the End User.

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